Researching Domestic Abuse: Exploring research methods and potential solutions

Shockingly, 1 in 4 women in the UK fall victim to domestic abuse—two of which die every week as a result. (NHS, 2017) Victims are often unaware of the severity of their situation and/or are too ashamed, confused or fearful to report it. 

Domestic abuse is often a hidden crime and many cases don’t make it to the CPS. Over 44% of women in UK refuge’s reported abuse to the police, and only 17% made a criminal case against the perpetrator. (Elkin, 2018) These figures are reflective of the shortage of action against perpetrators of abuse—likely a result of insufficient evidence and lack of victim awareness to #1 recognise the situation they’re in, #2 have the courage to leave and get help, and #3 know where and what support is available. 

Victims will, no doubt, be reluctant to convict their abuser. Therefore, the solution needs to educate and raise awareness—by acting as home for non-judgemental support and advice. My major research project aims to empower victims to leave abusive relationships, and thus increase conviction rates by providing those in need with a platform to safely and securely record events towards a successful evidence file.

Jazzy Olive

Hello, I’m Jazzy. A qualified & professional Graphic Designer.

Propaganda Design: An investigation into American and German WWII posters


A brief look at Isotype: The International System of Typographic Picture Education